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What it takes to livestream for the G.S. Warriors!

Livestream for the G.S. Warriors

What it takes to livestream for the G.S. Warriors!

Partnering with the Golden State Warriors, there was no doubt this season would be spectacular. They had a full year to lick their wounds from last year’s devastating loss, and another opportunity to show the world why they were the best team in the NBA, and that’s exactly what they did. To celebrate, we’re sharing our behind the scene experience (for the first time), about how the Warriors brought on board Argus HD for a critical livestream partnership that would help to show them off to the world.

Argus HD suited up for the Warriors

2017 NBA Finals MVP Kevin Durant waits to be interviewed by Tim Roye on the Facebook Live

The Warriors had one question for us to answer: Could we replicate a multi-million-dollar production truck on a budget? And if that wasn’t a big enough challenge, our entire production needed to fit into the corner of their gym. We gratefully — maybe foolishly —  accepted. The massive success of the Warriors webcast didn’t come easy. It required careful preparation and detailed collaboration between our producers and the Warriors.

The unboxing experience

For anyone who enjoys watching the NBA, paying a visit to the Warrior’s training facility is a special experience. Photos of the Warriors greats, past and present, hang on the walls. You can feel the passion from the hundreds of players who have given it their all within this facility.

The live stream is on!

For the base of our set-up, we brought multiple Sony HD studio and wireless cameras outfitted with Teradek Bolts, allowing us to cut the cord & go anywhere we’re called upon in the gym. This all connected into our trusted Tricaster mobile production studio. We then set up lighting, replay monitors, and separate internal communication systems: one for crew members, the other for producers to talk to the on-air talent. During the webcast, players and reporters mingled in the background. Our wireless camera trailed Stephen Curry as he bobbed and weaved his way from one end of the gym to the other. Our studio cameras interviewed eventual Finals MVP Kevin Durant. And these were merely their basic requirements.

Argus HD crew standing by to help out.

We then incorporated a live feed from Twitter using alpha channels and instant updates that allowed us to incorporate viewers’ questions, comments, and excitement into the program, live, as they rolled in. We then sent our final product to an encoding and streaming computer, which pushed separate feeds to both YouTube and Facebook simultaneously, reaching a worldwide, interactive, audience in seconds. And what an audience it was!

Over 10,000 views on the live stream. Over 200,000 playbacks within the first two hours alone! All achieved from a small corner of a historic gym.

An aside: When Argus HD worked with the San Jose Sharks to live stream from their Fan Fest at the SAP Center to open their 2015-16 season, they went on to compete in their first ever Stanley Cup Finals. The years Argus worked with the Warriors, they won the NBA Championship. Coincidence?

Be sure to take a look at the highlights of our first day streaming with the Warriors, right before they opened their first modern championship season. You can see more examples of our work such as this in our Portfolio.

Do you have a championship team in your company that needs video production and live streaming? We’d love to learn more about your unique event and bring our stars to your production.  Feel free to visit Argus HD — www.ArgusHD.com — to learn more and say hello.

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