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Argus HD Answers The Potus’ Call

HD Potus Call

Argus HD Answers The Potus’ Call

Almost as good as a trip to The White House, the honor of filming The President of the United States before he took office will forever be one of our marquee achievements as a production company.

Security was tight, police and secret service men surrounded the venue and the invite-only crowd was heavily screened upon entering.

This one event was by far, one of the most important jobs for us, a moment for our team to rise to the occasion with so much at stake.

The Potus Call

How do we approach, capture and live stream such an important moment to a global audience? If you’re fortunate enough to be called upon, you better rise to the moment and make sure every element of the production is well planned, all your gear is in perfect working order and your team performs flawlessly because you probably only have one chance at this opportunity and you have to succeed. No if’s, when’s or but’s. Pressure is on!

We mounted professional cameras and even mini ones (GoPro) around the venue, deployed b-roll shooters using gimbals, and from the moment President Biden entered the building, our team was capturing his every move. His walk-up to the stage was one of the most important shots that the producers absolutely wanted and our shooter rose to the moment and got us that perfect shot. Shooting the stage, we used 3 PTZ (robotic) cameras precisely placed and more b-roll shooters scattered in the audience.  Collectively, they captured shots that the producers had put their trust in us to get. One take, no mistakes.

When I look back at this project, I wonder if given the opportunity to do it again, would we change anything in our production plan?  Simple answer: No.  We would shoot it now the same way we did back then.  I would use the same cameras, their placements and angles would be similar if not the same and I would use our same team.  The one thing we strive for at Argus HD is consistency.  We treat all projects with the utmost importance and attention to detail, from the planning, to execution and, finally, through post-production.  They trust us to deliver and we ensure that our clients receive the best live experience for their attendees and for those watching from home.

Joe Biden

This opportunity didn’t make us good, it’s being a professional team, for every production, leading up to this moment that made us ready. Treating every client as if they are the President means when you get the call from the ACTUAL President, you’re ready 🙂

It’s the journey that takes you to this place.


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