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Android Dev Summit – Pushing Boundaries

Android Dev Summit

Android Dev Summit – Pushing Boundaries

Android holds the unique distinction of being the most popular operating system. One billion users worldwide! After a few year conferences hiatus, the Android team was excited and eager to connect with developers throughout the world, with a few major announcements to share. To pull off this off, they assembled an all-star team to showcase their event.

The all-star team included George P. Johnson (GPJ), one of the world’s largest Leading Event and Experience Marketing Agency’s and Argus HD, one of the top and innovative live events AV production companies in the SF Bay Area.  Together, we delivered an experience that pushed against the boundaries of design and production fusion.

Android Dev’s Summit was held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, just a stone’s throw from the birthplace of the computer.  The venue is a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility in the heart of Silicon Valley. Part historical, part futuristic, the design included beautiful LED walls that blended seamlessly into staging and background.

Android’s major announcements included (just to name a few): Foldables,  the Android Jetpack and Android Studio   These tools are an invaluable help for developers to accelerate Android application development.

MOTION at the SPEED of Android

Android’s OS is known for crystal sharp graphics and smooth motion. Traditional AV production techniques would not have allowed us to share this experience with the online and in-person crowd. To display at a true Android resolution (which is easy for modern GPUs), Argus needed to DOUBLE the amount of information from 1080p 30 to 1080p 60, requiring advanced switchers that only recently been available to natively handle this resolution. And, only recently has Youtube upgraded their servers to handle this bandwidth and video encoders stable enough to stream and record this amount of information.  Argus HD employed these new technologies to deliver a beautiful and seamless show to the attendees in the main rooms and viewers of the live stream.

What we love most, is when the latest in technology works seamlessly to execute on clients visions.

Check out the Android Developers page on YouTube for videos and highlights.  Pretty cool stuff coming your way…

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