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Argus HD Partners with the World Champion Golden State Warriors Again!

World Champion

Argus HD Partners with the World Champion Golden State Warriors Again!

Argus HD wishes to congratulate the Golden State Warriors on their latest championship season! Just as they did in previous season (and in the years before that), the Warriors opened the year by partnering with Argus HD to broadcast the events from their annual pre-season Media Day out to fans across the globe. When I say “across the globe”, we mean it; the Warriors have worked to expand their presence internationally, particularly in China, where the team was wildly popular even before today’s dynasty was a glint in Steve Kerr‘s eye.

This was an exciting broadcast, live from the Warriors’ training facility, and featuring live interviews with Warriors broadcasters, coaches, and players. By far, the highlight of the afternoon was the visit by Warriors stars who spoke with broadcasters Tim Roye and Laurence Scott about their season.


Getting NBA’s biggest stars into that seat and speaking comfortably was not as easy as it looks. When setting up an interview with anyone — Fortune 500 CEOs, NBA basketball stars, important leaders, or even lesser-known but no-less-important people — it is extremely important to make them feel welcome and in control in an environment that can be hectic and busy. While it can sometimes be a challenge, Argus HD always strives to do the planning necessary and have the technical expertise in hand to put all of our clients and presenters at ease.

The staff here at Argus HD is so excited for the Warrior’s accomplishments. We can’t wait for next September to roll around so that we can do it all over again. See you at the parade!

World Champion Golden State Warrior
Going over the gameplan for the show.
World Champion Golden State Warriors
Audio is ready to go
Argus HD’s mobile TV station can broadcast from anywhere — even a basketball court.
World Champion State Warriors
Director Tim

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