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Live Streaming at Universal Studios Los Angeles

Safe Internet Day

Live Streaming at Universal Studios Los Angeles

Argus HD technician Jeff McGinnis helms the director’s station during the live broadcast of the Safer Internet Day forum held at Universal Studios Hollywood

The internet has been a powerful force of change and communication in the modern world. It has allowed companies like Argus HD to flourish and share its message to millions of people. However, its ease of use, ubiquity, and anonymity has has amplified its dangers.

Because of this, technology writer Larry Magid founded ConnectSafely.org, an organization devoted to teaching students about the potential dangers of online life and how to best avoid them. Its efforts culminate each year in Safer Internet Day, a live event hosting 300 middle-school students and beamed live to thousands more across the United States, courtesy of Argus HD.

Held at Universal Studios Hollywood, this year’s event focused on the problems of bullying and harassment on the internet, and challenged students to find ways to actively combat them. Speakers included Tshaka Armstrong, founder and CEO of Digital Shepherds; Larry Magid; and a panel of student leaders and activists. The keynote speaker was WWE superstar Mike “The Miz” Mizanin, who described how even he has been harassed on the internet, and the strategies he used to combat it.

Argus HD is proud to have helped to spread the message against bullying, and hopes that all students take the time to heed the message.

If you are in need of any video production,  Audio-Visual (AV), or live-streaming needs, contact Argus HD today.

Watch the keynote given by WWE superstar Mike “The Miz” Mizanin:

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